Sunday, January 8, 2012


Tiptoeing into the sanctuary just past 8:30, I was embarrassed I was late and afraid I had missed the sermon. I had been told the service started at 9:00 am, and since the Church is just across the street from Sager Brown, thought I had plenty of time to walk over. Noticing the small parking lot was full of cars, I looked again at the marquee which just yesterday had proclaimed, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season". Now it read, "Sunday Service - 8 am".

A lovely matriarch of the congregation greeted me discreetly and made sure I had a bulletin. I was just in time for the "Alter Call" with "The Word of God" still to come. I have rarely participated in an altar call, but here it seemed the most natural thing to do. I found myself kneeling between two fervent women and prayed for a positive, productive volunteer experience and opportunity to be in service. All the while, the congregation was singing, "Thank You, Lord.". Then a substantial female congregant came to the lectern to lead us in prayer. She could have been speaking in tongues her pleas were so earnest, and frequently punctuated by others adding, "Yes, yes Lord" and "We need you, Jesus". She didn't stop praying until she circled the sanctuary, arms raised in supplication, and sat back in her pew.

The hymn of preparation was "Shake the Devil Off", with the youth choir leading the hand motions and all participating in the joy. The pastor preached on the saving grace of baptism, supported by Scripture and personal testimonial. Everyone greeted everyone enthusiastically
as we sang yet again and the offering was taken. January birthdays were celebrated with
cupcakes and candles. A "Pastor's Wheel of Blessing", a sort of hybrid "Wheel of Fortune",
was conducted with a young lady having lucky bulletin #36 winning a spin of the wheel for a
Bible Story book, then we slowly made our way back out into the world to the strains of "Amen" as our benediction. It was 10 am. I get to attend church in Baldwin five more Sundays. I'm in heaven.


  1. Thanks for sharing your BusyNess!

  2. I found you! How many people are in the congregation? Is there a band in the church, organ, piano? Good thing you made it for the birthday Sunday with cupcakes and candles! Wouldn't want to miss that! Chocolate?

  3. Definitely sounds enthusiastic :-)
