Saturday, February 11, 2012

People Power

Today is glorious in Southern Louisiana. Yesterday we got our sunshine in liquid form, but today the sky is blue and cloudless with a high of fifty-something. Good thing, too, because we are close to the height of Carnival season and there are parades everywhere for the next week before it all culminates in Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). Jo was going to do February Food Distribution, as always, on the fourth Wednesday of the month. That would be Ash Wednesday, the day after Mardi Gras. When she told Catholic Charities, our sister organization on the project, about plowing ahead as usual, they said, "You're not from around here, are you?" Jo replied she was from Atlanta, and they explained, "On Ash Wednesday, most folks in these parts will either be in bed or in church." Food Distribution this month will be on February 29th.

So, Jo is the Director of Outreach Services here at UMCOR Sager Brown. That means she coordinates not only monthly food distribution, but also Hearts and Hands for Homes (local home repair), volunteerism in the community (Chez Hope, Head Start, etc.), and campus worship opportunities for volunteers (primarily the weekly Vesper Service). I am partial to her because she is my boss.

As with all volunteer nonprofits, USB is staffed with people whose jobs are designed to maximize volunteer usefulness and potential. USB is extremely good at this, because it has an excellent staff.

Kathy is the Executive Director of Relief Services for UMCOR. She lives in a house on the USB campus and coordinates the efforts of seven depots, the one here being the largest. She is a
hands-on person who mingles with volunteers and staff at every level and whose career military service and deaconess background dovetail nicely into organizational efficiency and spiritual understanding.

Bill and Dianna sold their home and left their lucrative careers so they could work as volunteers. This was serendipitous as shortly thereafter Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Bill
organized a fleet of relief supply delivery trucks here, Dianna coordinated it, and they never looked back. They run Volunteer Services. Bill staffs USB with long-term volunteers (those serving for anywhere from four weeks to six months) and oversees the campus itself. Every short-term volunteer has Bill's cellphone number on the back of her name tag for emergencies.
Dianna schedules in and oversees the paperwork and finances of the more than 3,000 short-term
volunteers who serve at USB each year. (Late last year, Dianna was diagnosed with breast cancer and she is currently in Dallas receiving treatment. Please keep her in your prayers. Bill leaves to join her next week.)

Bettye is Director of Financial Operations. She oversees the USB budget. She is a rabid Saints fan. Misty is our new Administrative Secretary; she does a little bit of everything
capably and willingly. Debbie, Joanne and Sonia are the USB cooks and they are fabulous! All our bread (except toast) is fresh baked (including Communion); their sweet potato pancakes, casseroles, boiled shrimp, red beans and rice and desserts are divine! When people say they're going out to eat here, I say, "Why?" Pat, Jondalyon and Faye are the Housekeeping Department. They do more washing, sweeping, vacuuming and cleaning than I even want to think about. Jimmy, Richard and Alvin are the Maintenance Department. Jimmy zips around in his golf cart with the American flag flapping in the breeze. If it's broken or it needs to be pruned or mowed, unlocked or locked, they're the ones to do it.

Glenn, Ro, Freddie and Florida oversee the Depot, including the sewing room. They educate the volunteers so all work is up to code, load and store pallets and keep track of everything. They make the Depot hum, and when a shipment needs to go out, they take care of that, too.

All that's left are the Volunteers, the folks who give reason and justification to all of the above, and who are--for their week or more, happy to be busy in Baldwin.

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